Construction Update - Ten Day Ramp Closure April 3 - 12, 2019
/Limonite Progress Schedule
Contractor is nearing completion of construction stage 1C and 1D and is beginning work on Stage 2A. Field activities will consist of construction for portions of the NB on-ramp and SB off-ramp.
Ramp and Street Closures
The NB on-ramp and SB off-ramp will be closed for 10 days while the contractor constructs portions of both ramps to match the new south side and future north side of Limonite Ave. The closure will begin on the night of April 2 at 9pm and will continue until April 13 at 6am
Tuesday, April 2 at 9pm to
Saturday, April 13 at 6am
Full closure of NB on-ramp
Full closure of SB off-ramp